Together we are stronger!
Let's discuss how you can turn a difficult situation around.
Right now, it's important to focus on your vision and goals, keep the business in shape and be ready to  work with partners to open new opportunities and create a healthier and more resilient business in tomorrow's normal.

The case studies below will give you an idea of how we might be able to help your business.

There are also some testimonials from clients who have worked with us and who have attended our online and face to face events around the world.

Our Clients say 
"You care more about my business than I do". Discover why they say that in the Questions and Answers session.
You can ask any question so that you discover a new perspective to help you move forward.

Join the Free Q&A!

Talk to us today to
discuss a sales opportunity or
an issue that's worrying you in your business.

Your data will not be shared outside GFM/LFBA and
you can unsubscribe at any time.

Guidelines to make the 2 collective calls more effective for you

As the calls are about You, we will only have 3 to 5 people on the call, so feel free to prepare your questions before the call or ideally send us an email with your questions to [email protected].
You can also call us on +44 20 8576 6233 or WhatsApp +44 7951 198 769.

Participation in the calls is by invitation only for our clients and community insiders.  However, if you have a friend, colleague or family member with a fashion business who would really benefit from taking part in the Q & A, then please feel free to invite them to join us but please let us know beforehand.

After consultation with Designers and business owners, calls will take place at 6pm in the evening on a weekday or on a Saturday morning.  We will email you to let you know when the calls will take place.

Speaker & Chief WeCare Officer: Thierry Bayle

"Thierry is extremely knowledgeable on the fashion industry and not only does he offer great advice, he also asks intelligent and useful questions that make you think.

I have come to him for feedback on my business on numerous occasions, and he has always encouraged me to go beyond my initial inquiry, and to look more broadly for solutions. He pushes you to look at the bigger picture, at the actions that will sustain your business, and make it grow and become relevant." 
Betsy - Designer - Austria

Once again you are helping me to assess things from different angles 

I had never even considered this... (really like the way you think). Will work in this direction (feels right) & advise shortly where it takes me... Appreciate the fact you took the time to really think about this and give me this valuable food for thought.

Adolfo – Founder – Uruguay

gfm, lfba, together, build a fashion brand, launch your dream, monetise

Find the Right Platform

When you are selling through an online platform (or at a physical show), it's critical to make sure that the platform is appropriate for your brand.  We spoke with a very disappointed Korean accessory brand owner.  He had chosen an online platform to grow sales in Europe, however, the orders he took were not as large as he had expected.  He had not realised that this particular platform attracts mainly buyers from independent boutiques: he should have searched for a platform which specialises in working with chain store buyers.
We have created a sales pipeline to target, connect and convert Buyers in the digital world to grow his international sales. 

Selling in the USA

We work with many brands who are starting to export to the USA. A South African client told us that the first time she showed her collection in New York, she took a few orders, but they were later all cancelled before delivery. Since working with us, she now fully understands the importance of ensuring that her terms of business meet the requirements of American buyers and we have worked with her to make sure that this happens every time she shows the collection there. She attended one of our USA workshops and now sells across the US with growing numbers. With Covid, she has increased online sales both B2B and B2C. She has followed our buying advice to have a lean stock in a time of unpredictable sales and has therefore a healthier business.

business of fashion, management, gfm, expert, lfba, online courses, trusted advisor

Do the Preparation

A young designer from Africa wanted to use a bursary to help him exhibit at a tradeshow in Paris.  We helped to prepare him a few months before the show:  he learned to identify potential buyers for his collection and to invite them to come and see his products at the show.   We also made sure that his price lists, line sheets and terms of business met the expectations of the buyers.  He left the show with an impressive list of orders and was delighted to have made the first steps in launching his brand globally. The same applies to selling online and he was able to replicate his knowledge in 2020 to build a stronger online business which continues to grow.