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What if you could go back 2 years, what would you changed?

management Oct 24, 2020

We hope you and the family are well and safe. 

As you start having several seasons' experience, there is one question you should ask yourself:
What if I go back 6 months or 2 years, what would I do differently based on what I know today?

We regularly ask this question to Designers and on this occasion, we received answers that must be shared with you as you are planning to start up or scale up your fashion Brand.

The UK Designer (High End Apparel) answered the following:
My main mistake was to focus to much on design. I was investing up to 80 to 90% of my time on design. I was concerned about the product. I forgot about the rest.
If I was to re-do it, I would invest the time in marketing and a PR company. I would invest in selling and reaching out to buyers.

A similar situation with a French high end Designer (Accessories) who has a strong experience and skills in photography, journalism and Branding, his response was that he should have invested more time in selling and improve the process to identifying and connecting with Trade Buyers.

You like us have the same business.
You like us, we have to identify new prospects.
You like us, we have to convert the prospect to become a Client.
and finally, you like us, we have to get the Client to come back every season.

The lesson we want to share today is that you must focus every week on selling and the different steps of selling
You are here to build a business and not manage a hobby!

Reflect on what you have done in the past and hopefully you are clear on the changes you must operate if you were to do it again.
Mistakes in Fashion can easily cost you thousands of dollars. 

If we always do what we've always done, we will always have what we've always got. Actually less!

Reach out to us if you have any question. 


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