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What makes us take action?

management Dec 27, 2019

Very often, 2 opposite feelings make us take action:

Pain or

Think about a business decision you took recently.
What got you to take action?
What is the pleasure or passion to move forward,  make more money, connect with better projects or people, have a more fulfilling life?


What is the pain that you were going through? You need to stop the fact that you were not happy, having cash flow issues?

We are here to help you identify the reasons and implement the solutions. 

PS - This does ALSO apply to the Boutiques you connect with.
Are they trying to please themselves with an exciting new brand, new design, new price point, new customer segment thanks to your Brand?   PLEASURE

Are they trying to fix a problem they are having with another Brand not having the right styles, the right designs, the right price point, the right partnership agreement, the right agent who does not put pressure ...?  PAIN

What gap are you filling up?


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