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Successful Clients measure things 3 times - What about you?

management Oct 22, 2019

Have you noticed that the Fashion Industry has become more complex and unpredictable?

Wholesale, Retail, Online, Popup, D2C, B2B platforms, Marketplaces...
Many Young Designers or StartUps believe that success is ALL about the product. Clients tell us that the product is only 15% - Some Clients and Prospects say 25% and very infrequently do we hear 50% or above.

So how do we fix that? How do we become better at forecasting our own future?

One easy answer is what our Successful Clients do:

1. You measure the first time to ensure it is the right project and the right priority for the business. 
Time is a limited resources, you must, therefore, focus on the key top-level priorities for the Brand or Retail stores/ Online.

2. You measure the second time to set up a minimum standard the business must reach.

3. You measure the third time to work hard on reaching the minimum standard and you measure the results. If you have reached the minimum standard, you close the file and move on to the next project. If you have not reached the minimum standard, you continue working hard.


Written in conjunction with
Global Fashion Management -
Visit the GFM Business Blog here.



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