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Trade Show/ Salon Who's Next - English - Francais

trade show Jan 06, 2020

Show Time!

Let's get ready, let's make sales at the next trade show.

It is possible to grow sales at the first or next trade show.
It is possible to connect and convert Buyers & pick up to 30 orders.

However, IF and ONLY IF you prepare the trade show.
Even if you get 1 or 2 orders, it is a hope strategy and not necessary  planned trade show. 


GFM / LFBA Founder Thierry Bayle acts as Retail + Brand expert and you can attend his free workshops or ask for a 121 meeting to discuss any business opportunity.

As an Expert, find him int he EXPERTS AND MASTERCLASSES section in Hall 5.2.


See him at the show. Good Luck.


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